Z Home/offset/0 visual representation
What if we could see the mathematics behind the representation of Z in the firmware files in a simple, field variable controller in the DWC. Where using text fields to supply user inputs of the real world numbers that controll the position and show corrections of all things related to Z positioning.
I would like to see this user adjusted model directly change the firmware variables for Z related data. Firmware files such as 'config.g's Z-probe sections Z-probe offset, 'homeall's Z-home position, absolute Z, etc.
Visual representation of the point of extrusion relative to the point at which printing begins on the bed. Everything else that surrounds and determines this in a scalable vector model controlled by the user.!
All-in-all be able to effectively synthasize a visual representation of the machines homing of the z. Maybe in real time have the numbers(variables) change according to the machine movements reguarding homing, probing in real time and as a simulated model using user inputs. Reminds me of the old Adobe flash projects in freshmen year.