Change DWC blocking access on connection lost events.
It might be helpful if DWC did not effectively block the whole web interface when it looses connection to DSF/RRF. This denies access to DWC features that may still be usable (especially plugins & webcams).
Grey-out/disable features that should not be accessible if dsf/rrf is restarting/stopped/powered off (instead of full screen "connection lost" or "reconnecting"), and display a connection status notice in the top application bar, and include a global flag for plugins that allows them to specify if they should be enabled/disabled during a disconnection event. - DWC would then function more like a web app with limited offline capabilities.Example Scenario: A Smart Power Socket which is used to power the duet board on/off. If BtnCmd was accessible/functional in DWC when the board is powered off, then it still would be capable of sending the "turn on" command to the smart power socket, as its functions are all browser based client side.
Raised as feature request: