[3.4.1-rc2] update fail
Tim here, from Filastruder. A couple things:
- We do not, and have never, sold clones/knockoffs of any product.
- Citing the PayPal Invoice ID tells me you might not be getting emails from us, as you'd have a 5 digit order ID from your order confirmation and shipping confirmation. So, you might want to check your spam filter settings.
@elmoret Yes it is interesting, I log into my filastruder account to find where I have ordered this board and it doesn't show up but on my pay pal it shows that I purchased this board at 10:35 PM for 249.99 paid to Acceleration Labs, LLC. Invoice ID: c30699537694791.1
Transaction ID: 036817299B715910L
I have never ordered a DUET3D device from any other source besides directly from DUET3D or Filastruder. Am I missing something here, I am at a loss. Currently the printer is making a part and as soon as it is done I'm going to open the control box and get the serial number directly off the board to find out if it is different than the reported ID number. -
The order for the 6HC was placed with guest checkout, there's no account set up for the email address that was provided for that order.
I get it, your saying I purchased the board as a guest and did not log in to use my account, which is likely what happened. The first pic is from inside my account at Filastruder and the others are from inside my paypal
I am glad to hear that filastruder would never sell me a counter fit board and I of course will continue to use Filastruder for all my 3D printing electronics needs -
@elmoret Getting ready to send this board back to you, where do I find the serial number on this thing?
@droftarts @Phaedrux
What is the usual process on replacement board, is it one of those deals where I am down for weeks or are you going to send it out on confirmation of tracking number? -
@supertb1 The serial number is the number starting with WD on the sticker on the MCU
@T3P3Tony ah,,, I see so WD50344.. awesome, thanks Tony Cheers!
@T3P3Tony just being curious here but does the boards reported ID: 08DJM-956BA-NA3TJ-6J9F2-3SD6J-9B9AT somehow co-inside with the labeled WD number: 50344?
@elmoret The board is in USPS hands
@T3P3Tony HI Tony, installed the new board, uploaded the latest firmware and all is well, This issue is closed on my end. Thanks so much for your assistance to all @elmoret @droftarts @Phaedrux @dc42
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