Layercalculation in WebIf - Madness
I've a problem which drives me nuts.
In my End-Script i let run the Heatbed down to maximum (365mm). The WebInterface calculates this into the amount of layers which should be printed (here 1825 Layers).
If i remove the G1-Command from my End-Script the calculation is right.
Are there any chances how to deal with this?
MoS-tekknix -
You can just use G90: Set to Absolute Positioning and then G1 Z365. it should work
will give it a try
I use M98 in my before and after g-codes to run macros: [c]M98 P/sys/before_print.g[/c]. They don't get calculated into the layerheight…
With G90 there is no difference.
My End-Script:
[[language]] G1 E-2 F900 ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle to release some of the pressure M104 S0 ;extruder heater off M140 S0 ;heated bed heater off (if you have it) G90 G1 Z365 E-2 F900 ;move Z down and retract filament even more G1 X-12 Y-10 ; Send X and Y Axis to Hom M84 ;steppers off M18 M144
WebIf shows:
[[language]] Size: 2.2 MiB Object Height: 365 mm Layer Height: 0.22 mm / 0.2 mm Filament Usage: 19419.9 mm Generated by: Simplify3D(R) Version 4.0.0
what if you try to use G0 instead of G1?
It make no difference if G0 or G1 it is Simplify3D which calculates the complete lines and notice also my LowerBed-Function.
Therefore, nothing what Duet or DWC is responsible for.
I go for the solution from darookee and use a Macro.