Duet 3 (6HC) Raspberry Pi Software Development Repository?
Hello - I am a veteran Duet 2 WiFi user, however I am new to the Duet 3 (6HC). I am looking for a repository of libraries and or current development of applications that run on the Raspberry Pi to monitor and integrate with the Duet 3.
Does this exist? What are some of the latest works leveraging the RPi with the Duet? My search effort has resulted with goose eggs.
@tmreith there isn't really much.
you do have a couple of APIs and execonmcode to allow custom gcode to be used.
There are a couple of non plugins available, such as TAMV and duetlapse.
and there is btncmd which is a plugin to add extra buttons.
thats about it at the moment. -
@jay_s_uk thanks for the suggestions. I found the work of the late Danal Estes, execonmcode, btncmd, I was unable to find the API. Please provide url to the API.
@tmreith https://github.com/Duet3D/dsf-go
And https://github.com/Duet3D/dsf-python
TAMV has been taken over as unfortunately Danal passed away last year. It can be found here https://github.com/HaythamB/TAMV -
@jay_s_uk Great! thanks for your help. Time to stuff my brain with new info.
@jay_s_uk Hello. Is there an api available for the Duet 2 wifi or is it only available on the 3? I would like to submit custom gcode to an endpoint.
@youserexp you can run a duet 2 in SBC mode, although it takes a little work. Otherwise it's http requests described here https://github.com/Duet3D/RepRapFirmware/wiki/HTTP-requests
@jay_s_uk That's great news. Do you know if there is a sample project repository somewhere? Also what is SBC mode?
@youserexp SBC mode is with a single board computer attached i.e. a raspberry pi.
theres a sample plugin repository available https://github.com/Duet3D/DSF-Plugins -
@jay_s_uk Awesome! Thanks.