[Feature Request] 12864 Display Additional Value Calls
This is a firmware feature request for additional functionality for 12864 displays.
I would like to request additional values to be added to the alter/value list. I would like to be able to call all these values with the value function, but some may not be suitable for the alter function. They are listed in order of my personal priority.
- Tool material status (name of loaded material i.e. PLA, ABS, None, etc.) - value
- Mac Address - value
- Current Job name - value
- Printer Status (printing, busy, idle, etc) - value
- Tool offsets (X,Y,Z) ideally after altering an M500 would be triggered to save the new offset to config-override - value/alter
- Heater status (i.e. active, standby, off) - value/alter
- Slicer time estimate - value
Please let me know if anything is unclear. Thanks!