How to create a conditional "jog_command"
I am working on a custom UI where buttons and actions are conditional. I pretty much have it working except for "type": "jog"
Below is an example. The button classes behave as I want. What I cannot figure out (having tried all manner of variations, positions, "state" vs "tolerance" etc. ) is to create a conditional "jog_command". Specifically - I want to disable the jog buttons unless a specific condition applies.
I'm almost of the opinion that it is not possible given the current definition for "type": "jog" but my skill level does not extend to properly analyzing the underlying js code.
Any suggestions ?
{ "id": "babystep_z_p", "type": "jog", "position": { "my": "left top", "at": "left+15 top+60", "of": "#baby_steps_panel" }, "button_defaults": { "state": { "states": [ { "state": 0, "classes": "btn-warning" }, { "state": 1, "classes": "btn-success" } ], "field": "${(state.move.axes[2].babystep !== 0 ) ? 0 : 1 }" }, "style": { "width": "10ch", "height": "4em", "padding": "5px", "margin-top": "12px" } }, "axis": "Z", "values": [ [-0.05,{ "type": "button", "id": "babystep_reset", "value": "<-->", },0.05] ], "jog_command": "M290 ${axis}${position} R1;M290", "direction": "row" },
I'm gonna have to think about this one a bit. What condition do you want to use as the control for enabled/disabled?
Essentially - the ideal behavior would be to be able to place (or not) a jog_command inside a state array (or similar contruct) i.e. so that it behaves more-or-less as an action.
If there were "n" states then there might be "n" or less variants of the jog_command. Or not even use jog_command per se but just a selective action as can be done for buttons.
e.g. similar to this type of construct
{ "id": "pause", "type": "button", "style": { "width": "13ch" }, "position": { "my": "left top", "at": "left bottom+15", "of": "#elapsed_label" }, "state": { "states": [ { "state": 0, "classes": "btn-danger", "value": "PAUSE", "actions": {"type": "gcode", "gcode": "M25"} }, { "state": 1, "classes": "btn-warning", "value": "Paused" }, { "state": 2, "classes": "btn-primary", "value": "Pause" } ], "field": "${['processing', 'resuming'].includes(state.state.status) ? 0 : (['paused', 'pausing'].includes(state.state.status) ? 1 : 2 ) }" } },
Gotcha. Let me investigate.