Struggling with Z-Probe
Hi togehter,
I decided to retrofit my Kodak Portrait Core XY from a Raspberry Pi / Smoothiboard Combo to Duet.
I replaced the board and hooked up all the components.
My Board is DUET 2 Wifi (3.1.1) and a PanelDue 5i.I got nearly everything to work except my Z-Probe.
The Z-Probe is my active Nozzle and the Dashboard shows when the Nozzle is triggered Z-Probe "1000", if not triggered "0".
Z-Probe is connected to IN and GND.I cannot get my Home-z to work and don´t know what I do wrong.
The home x and y are running without any problem.
As soon as I want to Z-Probe my Bed the bed just moves down by 5mm and then 2mm (See code line 6 and 10). It doesnt even move towards my nozzle.
Wherever the position of Z is the printer will set Z0 on there.
G90 G1 X105 Y105 F2000 G91 G1 H2 Z5 F200 G1 H1 Z-300 F500 G1 Z5 F250 G1 H1 Z-300 F100 G92 Z0 G91 G1 Z2 F100 G90
... M208 X0 Y0 Z0 S1 ... M208 X215 Y210 Z235 S0 ... M558 P5 I1 C"^" H3 F120 T6000 ... G31 P500 X0 Y0 Z0 ...
I am sure this is a classical ERROR-40 but I don´t get it. And inbetween I changed a lot of things to get it work.
Could anybode please give me a hint?
The printer is a Core XY with Endstop in X+ and Y+. Lowering the bed is Z+ direction. I also have a Z+ Endstop which I deactivated (maybe I will use it in future as a emergency stop).
If I should post more Codes or information please let me know.
best wishes and tank you in advance
G30 should be used to probe the bed and not G1 H1 moves.
Here is an example of my homez.g file using a probe
; homez.g ; called to home the Z axis ; ; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool v3.1.4 on Tue Sep 22 2020 14:08:43 GMT+0100 (British Summer Time) G91 ; Relative mode G1 H2 Z5 F5000 ; Lower the bed G90 ; Back to absolute positioning G1 X160 Y130 F10000 ; Move to the center of the bed ; ################# Home Z Preparation ################ M558 F250 ; Set the probing speed G30 ; Probe a single point M558 F30 ; Set a slower probing speed G30 ; Probe a single point
Thanks a lot.
I changed the code and it wors.
I used my Endstop before to home Z and just thougth I could change the direction.