Troodon duet2 wifi + duex5 install
I was able to get the duet connected to the network but i couldn't reach the dwc when i typed in the ip address.
i replaced the current sys folder with a new one created from the config tool. I am still not getting any thermitor readings on my paneldue. I will go ahead and double check my wiring.again thanks for the guidance
How did you find the IP address to connect to?
What error did you get in the browser when you tried to connect?
Does the IP address respond to a ping?
Are you sure the Duet has joined the wifi network?
Create these macros. Modify them with your ssid and password. Place them in the /macros folder and use the Panel Due to run them.
; Clear all wifi networks ; M291 R"Clear WIFI networks? Y/N" P"Caution. New network must be added." S3 T10 M552 S0 ; Disable network module G4 S5 ; wait 5 second M588 S"*" ; Clear all saved wifi network M291 R"WIFI networks forgotten." P"You must add a new WIFI network."
; Add default wifi network ; M291 R"Add default WIFI network? Y/N" P"This will add duetwifi access point." S3 T10 M552 S0 ; Disable network module G4 S5 ; wait 5 seconds M587 S"ssid" P"password" ; Add duetwifi SSID to remembered networks list G4 S5 ; wait 5 seconds M552 S1 ; reenable wifi module M291 R"duetwifi SSID added." P"Check console to verify IP address."
Sending M552 by itself after should tell you the IP address.
In your config.g you will need M552 S1 to enable networking.
i connected to the wifi by following these steps the yat I got the Ip address
i just powered up the machine and am unable to ping the IP address
I will go ahead and add those macros, but FYI my current macros don't show on the paneldue and its constantly saying connecting in the top right corner... also still now messages in the console -
Please post the contents of your config.g
NB: The upstream configs for the Troodon and RRF 3 are available at
K I'm a little embarrassed to admit, but I totally overlooked connecting the duex5 power. I am having a hard time finding documentation on how to wire it
Do i split the power supply from the duet2 and run it to the duex5? Also does the wire need a u terminal connector or can i just strip the wire and stick it in?sorry
What size wire is that? also can the bare wire be placed in the terminal or does it need a crimped terminal connector?
I really suggest you read those links thoroughly.
Important! You must have a reliable low-resistance connection between the negative (ground) terminals of the two VIN terminal blocks. Failure to do so may result in high currents flowing in the ground connectors of the ribbon cable and may cause damage to the Duet 2 or Duex. Preferably, make this connection using either solid core wire, or stranded core wire with ferrules of the correct size crimped on securely. Re-tighten the terminal block screws regularly for the first few days of use, to make sure there is no creep in the wires causing the screws to become loose.
@Phaedrux said in Troodon duet2 wifi + duex5 install:
ow-resistance connection between the negative (ground) terminals of the two VIN terminal blocks.
I didnt understand low-resistance connection between the negative (ground) terminals of the two VIN terminal blocks.
Low resistance meaning a gauge as large or larger than your power wiring. 16 gauge is likely the largest you can reasonably fit and is the largest size of ferrule included in the kit.
so if I understand correctly I could use a 18awg wire from the psu to the duet2 wifi and then a 16 awg from the duet2 to the duex5?
I think that would be acceptable.
great and can I use a different wire connector for powering the boards instead of ferrules? I have some 18 16 and 12 awg braided wires laying around but no ferrules left over. I could get pins from the local hardware store but ferrules will take a min of a week so I was hoping use the pin or a different terminal connector
The bare wire would be ok short term. Just ensure you keep the screw down terminals tight and use ferrules as soon as you're able.
unfortunately that didnt go so well. I heard a pop and now the fans (24v) for the board stopped running. So I unplugged and rewired but it seems I have some lights off and some new light on. The red light came on on the duet wifi2 by Y stepper motor plug.
I think the led light for the 3.3v and 5v indicator are no longer onand here is what I'm seeing on the display.
Pops are never a good sound. Please remove the board from the enclosure, remove the wiring, and examine the board for damage. Post some high res well lit close up photos of both boards. The photos you posted are too blurry to make out any of the chips.
Once again, it's very hard to make out any detail on the chips in your photos. You'd need to remove the wiring and get good quality close up shots to be able to see if there are any pock marks on the chips. In one of the photos it looks like there might be something on U11 but it could also just be a compression artifact.
If you examine it closely by eye do you see anything that looks suspiciously like a hole blown in a chip?
With everything disconnected from the board, what LEDs turn on when connected to USB power?
so sorry for that. I am terrible with taking pics. I hope these are better