[HELP] How to use DueUI without a Duet using chrome
@gtj0 You asked me to report you what examples don't work. For now I found:
https://github.com/gtjoseph/DueUI/wiki/Heater -
@Dario02 When you say "'don't work" what do you mean? Can you share the JSON you used to configure them?
@gtj0 simply if I add one of them the code doesn't run
@gtj0 try adding one of them, now I can't
class DueUIConfig { "dueui_content" = { "id": "dueui", "type": "tabbed_panel", "header_panel": { "id": "dueui_header_main", "type": "panel", "element_configs": [ { "id": "video_html", "type": "image", "src": "", "style": { "width": "128px", "height": "41px" }, "position": { "my": "left top", "at": "left top", "of": "#dueui" } }, { "id": "status", "type": "status", "style": { "width": "128px" }, "position": { "my": "left top", "at": "right-115 top+3", "of": "#dueui" } } ] }, "menubar": { "id": "dueui_menubar", "type": "panel", "button_defaults": {}, "position": { "my": "left top", "at": "left+8 bottom-28", "of": "#dueui" } }, "element_configs": [ { "id": "dueui_panel_movement", "type": "tab_panel", "menubar_label": "HOME", "element_configs": [ { "id": "video_html", "type": "image", "src": "http://duet3:8080/stream", "style": { "width": "320px", "height": "210px" }, "position": { "my": "left top", "at": "left top", "of": "#dueui_panel_movement" } } ] } ] }; "status_map" = { "idle": { "label": "Idle", "classes": "btn-success" }, "P": { "label": "Printing", "classes": "btn-success" }, "S": { "label": "Stopped", "classes": "btn-warning" }, "C": { "label": "Starting Up", "classes": "btn-success" }, "paused": { "label": "Paused", "classes": "btn-primary" }, "pausing": { "label": "Pausing", "classes": "btn-success" }, "resuming": { "label": "Resuming", "classes": "btn-success" }, "changingTool": { "label": "Tool<br>Change", "classes": "btn-warning" }, "busy": { "label": "Busy", "classes": "btn-success" }, "updating": { "label": "Updating", "classes": "btn-danger" }, "halted": { "label": "Halted", "classes": "btn-danger" }, "off": { "label": "Off", "classes": "btn-danger" }, "processing": { "label": "Processing", "classes": "btn-warning" }, "simulating": { "label": "Simulating", "classes": "btn-primary" }, "connected": { "label": "Connected", "classes": "btn-success" }, "connecting": { "label": "Connecting", "classes": "btn-warning" }, "reconnected": { "label": "Connected", "classes": "btn-success" }, "disconnected": { "label": "Disconnected", "classes": "btn-warning" }, "retrying": { "label": "Retrying", "classes": "btn-warning" }, "failed": { "label": "Failed", "classes": "btn-danger" }, "unknown": { "label": "?", "classes": "btn-secondary" } }; }
@Dario02 I'm sorry but I don't understand. The json you posted seems to work fine but doesn't have either a file list or a heater in it to test.
@gtj0 Yes it works fine because I removed what didn't work... as I told you try adding one of the element/widget that I reported you and the code should not work properly. If you can't understand what I mean, please wait until I'll be free to work on this with you ^_^
@Dario02 OK, when you get a chance, I'll need you to send me the exact json configuration you tried that didn't work.
@gtj0 I managed one error you didn't write the "," after "standby": "G10 P0 S${value}"
} <---- missing ",""set_temp_commands": { "active": "G10 P0 R${value}", "standby": "G10 P0 S${value}" } /* * The two input fields for setting the active and standby can be hidden * if desired. The default is to show them. */ "show_set_fields": false
it should be:
"set_temp_commands": { "active": "G10 P0 R${value}", "standby": "G10 P0 S${value}" }, /* * The two input fields for setting the active and standby can be hidden * if desired. The default is to show them. */ "show_set_fields": false
@Dario02 Ah, yeah that's an issue. I'll fix that. Also I think I reversed the "R" and "S" parameters. "active" should be "S" and standby should be "R". I'll fix that as well.
@gtj0 ok well, I'll let you know for the other error