PanelDue data output without a panel due connected on Duet3
As the title says is this possible?
The background is that we wish to drive an arduino with the data to control a set of Neopixel displays to indicate hotted Bed temps and also print progress.
(The Duet3 has an SBC Connected).
I know Richardmackenna is boring on a pi implementation but until that's ready we would like to use the Arduino Nano which is already working.
The PanelDue usually polls the Duet board, so your board would have to send data and parse the response. But yeah, no reason it shouldn't work
@bearer it seems that no data is sent on the panel port unless one is connected I assume rightly or wrongly that may be to stop buffers filling up (Does the Paneldue send acts?)
@bearer Thanks will give that a try
It is 3.3V TTL serial. And, yes, you can either figure out how to do checksums, or just turn them off (on the Duet side) and then enter pretty much any G, T, or M command you desire, and take any action on the response.
If you want the appearance of "real time" actions, you need to poll.