z motors skipping steps from yesterday to today
i have printed a lot with my printer with no problems and today the z axis started to skip steps and only moves downwards even if i press travel upwards. See Video:
whats wrong with this??
check the wiring and crimps
i checked them but they looking okay so i wiggled them and then the motors skipped steps and the temp monitor goes to infinity temp:
hear and look, there are lightnings:
What could cause this? Like on the photos the connectors looking good. Also the duet connector looks good. The connectors and cables were always fixed position (no wiggle)
that suggest bad crimps.
did you use a crimping tool to make those cables, or normal plyers.
@PuddingBaer91 I once had exactly that problem and it was a faulty connection, so as @Veti said, check all the crimps and connectors.
okay thank you guys. I did the crimps with a crimp tool but some came out not so good. I will take a look.
i use the engineer pa-09 for crimping. its extra work, but produces excellent crimping results.
@PuddingBaer91 ...........and I also had similar problems with an extruder which turned out to be a faulty motor. To check the motor itself, check the resistance of each phase. They should be the same and they should also match the manufacturer's data if you have (or can find) that information.
thanky you very much. I replaced the cables and now it works but also good to know how to check faulty motors. Thank you