Stopped at message different than DWC head position
I built a large delta printer based on the blogs at Norwegian Creations. It has been performing well and adding the Duet Smart Effector sealed the deal. During Z. Probe calibration using the processes from the wiki, the head position reported in the DWC was always within hundredths of a mm to what was reported by the firmware 'Stopped at' message reported.
I had a bed holder break (layer separation just above the mounting screws) and made a new on to replace it.
I repositioned the Z axis using the paper test which was about 0.7 mm higher than before the bed holder change. G92 to set Z to 0 then several G30 S-1 from a 5 mm dive height.
The DWC shows -0.15 which is reasonably close to what it has always been, but the firmware message reports 'Stopped at 0.839 mm'.
I set the trigger height in the config file to zero and repeated the testing, but the results are exactly the same.
What may have caused this change? -
if any of the geometry of the delta changes you need to redo the delta calibration (G32) and save the new values in your config.
also you can check the repeatability of your probe using this -
Thanks for the reply. I have use dc42's backlash macro and added the codes to do the same test in the Y direction. It has worked very well and I use it often, especially after mods and/or cleaning. the SD/m in the x direct is 0.005 and nan. In the Y direction is 0.006 and nan.
The problem with the reporting error is gone now. I backed up my sd card and did a reset on the board. Kind of harsh, but I needed to get back in production. The DWC now reports head position at -0.15 and the firmware message reports Stopped at -0.151. Not much for the reason why the problem appeared, but it fixed the problem.
Thanks again.