Very jerky movements that cause motors to stall
Config file here -> 0_1566767557836_config.g
Video of the problem google photos
Gcode file I am trying to print 0_1566767726972_3d benchy 2 color.gcode
Anybody have any ideas. It is a custom prusa i3 with a 3 in 1 out nozzle and the IR sensor. I updated the config.g when i switched extruders and it worked perfectly for a while. Things started to get wierd and I flashed new firmware and now this happens. Reverting does nothing.
do you have mesh bed leveling active? check with M122
if so deactivate that and try again.also from you config.
M203 X6000 Y6000 Z100 E3600:3600:3600 ; Maximum speeds (mm/min)
M566 X600 Y600 Z120 E100100 ; Minimum speeds mm/minute
M566 is Set maximum instantaneous speed changes (mm/min)
it makes no sense that Z M566 is higher than Z M203i would also suggest that you use the config files generated by inputing your values here.
https://configurator.reprapfirmware.orgM305 P0 R4700 H0 L0 ; Put your own H and/or L values here to set the bed thermistor ADC correction
you are missing the essential beta value here.
I figured it out, there was a rouge piece of Gcode in my homing file that enabled stall detection at crazy high sensitivity so every time it moved, it paused, stalled on the pause, and resumed. Thanks almost everything works now!