QuadRap (BlackPantherQR remake) Cartesian Printer
Just another cartesian printer running on DuetWifi. Thanks for making DuetWifi such a great hardware software combo.
- the printer uses dyneema ropes for driving the sliders
- it uses a parallel XXYY motor configuration
- theoretically you should not do this, practically runs flawlessly
- cheap&quiet&reasonable fast
- uses DyzEnd-X with 500C thermistor
- Igus AWMQ-10 cross beams
- Saintflint extruder
- no endstops and no z-probe
- 400mm GSlot profiles (yields roughly 260x250x250 movable distances, bed is smaller however)
M307 H1 A500.0 C200.0 D5.0 B0 S0.8 ; ok but not perfect (needs some time but then very stable) M305 P1 T4700000 B5253 R4700 H0 L0 ;
Very cool machine! and quiet!