Notifications from Duet or DWC
Hi Guys,
I'm looking for a way to send notifications from the Duet. To a mail server or some service i dont care.
Ive seen articles on this forum dating back from 2018 and 2019 but nothing since. Is this feature implemented and i missed it?I need a sensor, lets say endstop. when triggered to send out a message to email, or service to eventually make alarm go off.
i dont care about status updates so much but if we could tap into that from the outside would be nice too.i would love to hear suggestions, idea's or a solution.
Thanks in advance! -
@Dutchprinting you could use MQTT to send a message from the duet when something happens (using M118) otherwise its a case of polling the duet for data and looking for the change.
NodeRed has a node written for RRF that would be an easy way to get the email functionality