have created in the past a similar post but the proposed solution is like "too much" maybe and I would like to know if there is an alternative beucase the purpose of the original post might not been clear from my side.
Sometimes, I find a print paused, stopped, etc. The reason for this could be something "internal" (some error detected, some trigger, etc) sometimes can be someting simple like a student touching what he shouldnt touch (grrrrr)
But sometimes I also find that the duet interface is blank and I have a icon to "reload", I reload it and the interface connect again to duet. The problem with this is like it seems this connection is brand new frokm the duet perspective and if I go to console to see the logs in order to see what happened, the console logs are empty because of this brand new connection.
In the past I have activated looging through gcode command, but I find this option with time really uses a lot of sd card space, is there any log being kept with just the console contents of the ongoing print?
Thanks in advance