Options for print monitoring
I have been using an old notebook running mjpg-streamer & ffmpeg for years to monitor my prints.
Recently it died, so I'm looking for an alternative.
I have a raspberry pi 4 on hand and a pi camera.
I originally thought I might use it for RRF, but really haven't seen enough benefit to warrant the change.
I tried installing "motion" on it and whilst I can get it to run, I can't for the life of me get it to boot as a service due to permission errors.
A google search shows this to be common, but after a day of trying every "solution" provided, I'm over it.Can anyone recommend either a pi image or a definite working setup?
Or an alternative? -
A long time ago, when I think it was called motion pi??? I used to use this...
https://github.com/motioneye-project/motioneyeos/wikiOr going directly to the main page and using its generic install might work if you want to install on on your Pi OS.
https://github.com/motioneye-project/motioneyeI don't remember the details, but believe I had the Duet Web interface connect to the live stream so I could watch the video directly from the Duet.