Store location of stall detection to variable.
Hi all,
I am trying to figure out how I can use either sensorless homing or stall detection to measure the length of a single axis.
Ideally, I trigger a macro that sends one axis away from the home position until it hits the end of its travel - then stores that location in a variable.
I understand there will be limited accuracy due to the loss of steps, but that is ok for my application.
Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated!
@berniej You may be able to use a G1 H4 move for this (along with a stall detection endstop). So the process would be....
0. Define an axis that is longer than the actual max axis length- Home at one end of the axis
- define a stall detect endstop for the far end of the axis to test
- Perform a G1 H4 move beyond the length of the axis
- After the stall the current position will give the position at which the stall happened
@gloomyandy Thanks for the reply. I will try containing the G1 H4 in a macro with my settings for stall detection. I was not aware of the H parameter in RRF 3+.