M675 random probe crash
Hi there.
I'm currently building a 5-axis Voron 2.4 conversion. Included in this project is a 3D-touchprobe to locate already existing parts on the build plate. At the moment I'm setting up all the probing macros. The probing works fine for single probing points/ directions, for example:M585 X0 P0 F600 S0 ; probe X+ G10 L20 X-1 ; set tip offset
However I'm having some trouble with the M675 command. At first it worked fine (at least 20 times) , also with combined X Y centring to find the hole centre. Video of probing cycle working: Link
M675 X F600 R1 P0 ; probe x min/max, 1mm retract, probe 0 M400 ; wait for move to finish M675 Y F600 R1 P0 ; probe y min/max, 1mm retract, probe 0 M400 ; wait for move to finish G10 L20 X0 Y0 ; set centre position to 0
But then, out of nowhere, it suddenly started ignoring the X+ stop (first contact X- registered). This resulted in a bent probing tip and the first scar on the buildplate
. After a power cycle I started testing with a plastic bottle cap and some painters tape. I tested X and Y separately. Sometimes the X+ would also register but the middle position would not be calculated correctly (stopped short of middle position). Y probing same story. Also, sometimes the machine coordinate limits would work fine but other times, these were ignored as well. Without changing any of the code or other parameters it stated working again after the next power cycle but returned shortly after. Also, it's not on the hardware side, I checked the wires (NO-probe).
I think it would be nice if these probing cycles were reliable.
Could it have anything to do with the flash memory limitations of the Duet2?Duet2 Wifi + DueX5
Firmware: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet 3.5.0-beta.3 (2023-04-14)
Probe definition:M558 P5 C"!duex.e6stop" K0 H5 F600 T3000 B1
Thanks in advance