Firmware installs but doesn't update
I am trying to update from 3.1.1 to 3.4.4 but each time I try to install the firmware, it doesn't work. I uploaded "" to /sys and clicked yes to install system files. It shows update progress, then restarts, but afterwards it still says version 3.1.1. It did update Duet web control to 3.4.4 though. I also checked M122 and it confirms firmware is still 3.1.1.
Duet Web Control 3.4.4
Board: Duet 2 WiFi (2WiFi)
Firmware: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet 3.1.1 (2020-05-19b2)
Duet WiFi Server Version: 1.27 -
@Phantom329 if you send
M997 S0
what does it come back with? -
@jay_s_uk Thanks for the reply. Here is the output:
10/22/2022, 3:17:30 AM Connection established
10/22/2022, 3:17:17 AM M997 S0I can see that it tries to look for updates but doesn't do anything.
@Phantom329 try using the 3.4.0 release. the IAP file may not be included with the 3.4.4 release
@jay_s_uk The 3.4.0 version also doesn't include the IAP. I had renamed Duet2_SDiap32_WiFiEth.bin to Duet2CombinedIAP.bin. I also tried Duet2CombinedFirmware.bin and no luck.
@Phantom329 you could try this IAP and put it in the sys folder. You may also have trouble with mismatched DWC as it'll be trying to put it in the firmware folder but 3.1.1 will be looking in the sys folder so it may make more sense to downgrade DWC first.
If still having issues, try the 3.3 combined firmware ZIP. If it updates, upload it again so everything goes in the firmware folder, then make the jump to 3.4 -
@jay_s_uk It seems my printer isn't connecting to the wi-fi after I tried installing 3.3. It also is still at version 3.1.1. I think It will be easier to pull the sd card at this point.
@Phantom329 yes, may be worth having a look. If you can connect via USB, run
M997 S1
to flash the firmware again.
If you're still not getting on it may just be better to flash the board with 3.4.4 using bossa -
@jay_s_uk I finally got it through bossa. Weird that it wouldn't take the firmware any other way. Thanks for the help!