Configure GPIO input on Toolboard
I'm trying to hook up Toolboard docked detection using the microswitch on the Toolboard (v1.1)
I've set it up my first tool as CAN address 100.
I can see the sync LED blinking as it's suppose to, and I can read the temperature.
So, connection issues shouldn't be the problem here.I'm Trying to hook the endstop input to a IO slot to read it out later.
in the config.g I have:
M950 J1 C"^"
As per my understanding I should be able to see the state change in the object model plugin under sensors->gpIn->1->value.
This is constantly '1'.
This parameters in the disappears form the object model plugin, when I comment out the config line, So it must have something to do with it...
Any pointers in what I'm doing wrong, or how I could make this easier/better?
How do you have the microswitch hooked up?
@alankilian I've soldered it to the designated pins on the Toolboard (IO3).
But your input was probably enough to solve this issue. I use the switch fliped on its Head (sensor arm pointing down) so the common pin on the switch is now connected to NC.
Off course that's not gonna work.Nothing a bridging wire can't solve...
I will report back in the evening.Thanks for the input.
Allright, bridging the Top Pin (NC on the PCB) to the bottom one ( did the trick.
I had to invert the signal but other than that no changes were necessary on my firmware configuration.
For future reference and anyone who is trying to do something similar:
M950 J1 C"!^" ; Tool1 docking detection GPIO setup
Is the command I use now.