I have a Railcore 300ZL I have been modernizing with a duet wifi board and recently upgraded to firmware 3.6. I read through the documentation regarding input shaping and accelerometers but still have a few questions.
Is one accelerometer enough or is more better? should it/they be mounted to the chassis or the printhead?
sorry I am new to this haha
@benvrakas RRF 3.6? Are you from the future?
Jokes aside, one accelerometer on the print head is all that's needed (for your printer at least) -
@jay_s_uk haha yeah 3.6 goes hard
. Thanks for clearing up the confusion.
@jay_s_uk what about if is printer with 4 tool's same only one accelometer or 4 then?
@matej1006 if they're all the same then 1 should suffice. All toolboards from 1.1 onwards come with an accelerometer so if you have a duet 3, thats the best way to implement them.
@jay_s_uk i don't have toolboard's i have Duet 2 ETH with Duex5
@matej1006 then yes, just one will suffice
@jay_s_uk which one will you reccomend for my application?
@matej1006 well you only have an LIS3DH or an LIS3DSH to choose from so its whatever you can get your hands on really. they both will work
this one i can get in 2 days -
@matej1006 spot on