Halted after no emergency stop - solved while trouble shooting
My Duet 2 that I've been running for a few years now is reporting a halted state on both the DWC and PanelDue. I initially noticed this state after coming back to the printer the next day after a completed print. The printer is in the position it would go to at the end of that print job, and the console reports:
11:25:43 Connection established!
11:25:32 Emergency Stop! Reset the controller to continue.
22:42:50 Finished printing file XXX.gcode, print time was 7h 30mThe printer was not in use, and DWC was not connected at 11:25. It's possible something touched PanelDue. There is an office cat. I've since E-stopped it, and tried M999. Both cause fans to come on, reported temperatures and voltage do not change. Halted state still reported. A couple more M999's and a page refresh on DWC, and printer reports idle and seems to be functioning as normal.
Found previous, apparently unresolved issue that may be similar; https://forum.duet3d.com/topic/6301/question-about-halted?loggedin=true
@jrow might be helpful to include what versions of the firmware and DWC you're running