SLA vs MSLA for small and thin features
I've used form labs printers a fair amount through school. But I'm curious how SLA compares to MSLA for printing small features and thin walls. The form3 has a laser spot size of 75 microns, and I understand that 4K msla printers have a 50micron pixel size.
for my parts, the printed thickness is always greater , i.e. wall thickness is 200 microns measured vs the 75 microns I designed. I'm guessing this is from "over-curing" as the light diffuses into the surrounding resin.
Can MSLA do any better?
The printers vary so greatly that any generic comparisons can't be better than fifty percent accurate.Check out for some decent msla printed parts photos. They have comparisons that are generally driven by affiliate links, but they seem to at least actually test most of the printers they "review".
@tenaja I perused a few of the reviews on and it was helpful, thank you!