External driver wiring to Duet 2 breakout board
HI, I need some advice
I am using duet wifi with an external breakout board.
The external driver is this one SH-CL57BH
I understand DIr, ENA, STEP wiring, I will try differential and if not working I will go common anode.
My question is where I can wire the alarm and PED (in position ) signals from the driver to DUET. Is this possible? If not how to make DUET halt if stepper is not able to reach position or something elso goes wrong -
I think I just replied to your other post. But you can use the outputs, basically they are a switch so just ware an input and a ground to the alarm terminals on the driver. Then you need to setup a trigger (M581) for those inputs along with the action to take. You can run a macro or a pause or an estop.
@baird1fa thank you