Macro to start job after a delay or at specific time
Sometimes I'm reticent to leave certain jobs printing over night.
I did this macro to allow me to work on models at night and have them start the print process before I get up. (download link at bottom)
This allows all the heating, bed leveling etc to have taken place by the time I'm up.
It should be commented well enough to allow you to figure out how to use it.
Naturally you have to be confident nothing will go wrong before you get to the printer (we all get perfect first layers every time right?).
I highly recommend that it is called BEFORE any heaters are activated.
If your intention is to preheat beds, chambers etc but wait until you command a print, then I suggest starting the heating AFTER the macro exits then putting a pause command in your start G-code after the heating if you don't want printing to start before you get there.The countdown displays continually and is updated at various intervals depending on how long is left till blast off.
There is no option to cancel once started.EDIT: I've modified the code to create a global variable which can be set to cancel the operation. Read the comments.
To test from DWC without running a print, the X parameter must be used.
This will escape the macro after X loops. The loops vary in time depending on the time left, so for example to get the last minute then X must be greater than 22.
Naturally it should not be used when printing.There will be beeps at 5 second intervals in the last minute and 1 second intervals in the last 10 seconds.
; start_after_delay.g ; should be called from slicer start gcode or start.g BEFORE any heating actions ; Accepts four parameters ; X = a testing parameter to allow early exit after X loops ; S = number of minutes to delay ; H = number of hours to delay ; H & S times are added to achieve total delay ; R = start time. Must have the format R"yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss" e.g R"2022-01-04T13:30:00" ; NOTE: the use of curly braces surrounding time works in DWC but fails in SuperSlicer ; R{"2022-01-04T16:47:00"} will fail if used in SuperSlicer ; if R parameter (start time) is passed, H & S are ignored ; at least one time parameter must be passed ; e.g ; M98 P"start_after_delay.g" H4 S20 ; (delay the start of the print for 4 hours 20 minutes) from now ; M98 P"start_after_delay.g" H1 ; (delay the start of the print for 1 hour) from now ; M98 P"start_after_delay.g" S10 ; (delay the start of the print for 10 minutes) from now ; M98 P"start_after_delay.g" R"2022-04-01T06:00:00" ; start the print on 1st April 2022 at 06:00AM var LongDelay = 60 ; Delay between message updates if time left is greater than 1 hour var MediumDelay = 20 ; Delay between message updates if time left is less than 1 hour but greater than 10 minutes var ShortDelay = 10 ; Delay between message updates if time left less than 10 minutes ; at less than one minute updates will happen every 5 seconds ; at less than 10 seconds, updates will happen every second var BeepFrequencyLow = 1000 ; frequency (low pitch) of beep play every var.ShortDelay when one minute left var BeepFrequencyHigh = 3000 ; frequency (high pitch) of beep play every var.ShortDelay when ten seconds left var BeepDuration = 200 ; duration of beep in milliseconds (must be less than one second) - note 1 second will cause constant beep for last 10 seconds ; ************** Don't change below this line ***************** ; Create a global variable to allow the process to be cancelled. if !exists(global.Cancelled) global Cancelled = false ; NOTE: There will be a delay between setting this global to true and the macro/print cancelling ; as it may be called during a G4 wait commmand and can't be activated on until that finishes. ; To use, either send "set global.Cancelled = true" from the command line or a macro, or set up a button with an associated trigger. ; A separate macro may be hard to execute when the loop timer gets down to 5 or 1 seconds. var FileName = "No file selected" if !exists(param.X) if (job.file.fileName = "") || (job.file.fileName=null) abort "No print in progress" else set var.FileName=job.file.fileName else if (job.file.fileName!=null) set var.FileName=job.file.fileName if var.BeepDuration > 1000 echo "Invalid beep duration - reset to 1/2 second) set var.BeepDuration = 1000 if !exists(param.R) if !exists(param.H) if !exists(param.S) echo "No parameters passed - exiting macro" M99 var Hours = 0 ; variable for number of whole hours from start time until run time var Minutes = 0 ; variable for number of whole minutes from start time until run time var Delay = 10 ; variable for delay between displaying messages var HoursLeft= 0 ; variable for number of whole hours from current time until run time var MinutesLeft = 0 ; variable for number of whole minutes from current time until run time var SecondsLeft = 0 ; variable for number of whole seconds from current time until run time var StartTime = datetime(state.time) ; variable to hold time when macro first called var RunTime = datetime(state.time) ; variable to hold time when macro will end and print will run if exists(param.R) set var.StartTime = datetime(param.R) set var.StartTime = var.StartTime - state.time set var.RunTime = state.time + var.StartTime set var.Hours = floor(var.StartTime / 3600) ; calculate number of whole hours till start time set var.Minutes = floor(var.StartTime/60)-(var.Hours*60) ; calculate number of whole minutes till start time else if exists(param.H) set var.Hours = param.H if exists(param.S) set var.Minutes = param.S set var.StartTime = state.time + var.Hours*60*60 + var.Minutes*60 set var.RunTime = var.StartTime var Loops = 0 ; used if a testing parameter X is passed in order to exit after number of loops has expired echo "Print start time is " ^ var.RunTime while state.time < var.RunTime if exists(global.Cancelled) if global.Cancelled = true M291 P"Operation has been cancelled" S0 T3 G4 S3 abort "Deferred print cancelled." if exists(param.X) set var.Loops = var.Loops + 1 set var.HoursLeft = floor((var.RunTime - state.time )/60/60) set var.MinutesLeft = floor((var.RunTime - state.time)/60)-(var.HoursLeft*60) set var.SecondsLeft = mod((var.RunTime - state.time),3600)-(var.MinutesLeft*60) if var.RunTime - state.time > 3600 set var.Delay = var.LongDelay else set var.Delay = var.MediumDelay if (var.RunTime - state.time) > 600 M291 R{var.FileName} T{var.Delay} S1 P{"Print start deferred for " ^ var.HoursLeft ^ " hrs : " ^ var.MinutesLeft ^ " mins - " ^ var.RunTime} G4 S{var.Delay} elif (var.RunTime - state.time) > 60 set var.Delay = var.ShortDelay M291 R{var.FileName} T{var.Delay} S1 P{"Print start deferred for " ^ var.HoursLeft ^ " hrs : " ^ var.MinutesLeft ^ " mins : " ^ var.SecondsLeft ^ " secs - " ^ var.RunTime} G4 S{var.Delay} elif (var.RunTime - state.time) > 10 set var.Delay = 5 M291 R{var.FileName} T{var.Delay} S1 P{"Print starting in " ^ floor((var.RunTime - state.time)) ^ " seconds"} M300 S{var.BeepFrequencyLow} P{var.BeepDuration} G4 S{var.Delay} else set var.Delay = 1 M291 R{var.FileName} T{var.Delay} S0 P{"Print starting in " ^ floor((var.RunTime - state.time)) ^ " seconds"} M300 S{var.BeepFrequencyHigh} P{var.BeepDuration} G4 S{var.Delay} if exists(param.X) && (var.Loops = param.X) break M118 S"Starting Deferred Print" M300 S{floor(var.BeepFrequencyHigh * 1.2)} P1000 G4 S2
@owend I think you can update to your github, I am your super fans now.