UM2 Homing Issues
I've got homing issues for my Ultimaker 2. Here's what it does when I hit Home All in the dashboard:
- Z axis homes first hitting the end switch (no issues there)
- Next Y axis homes (hitting the switch, no issues)
- Finally X axis, where it hits the end switch. From there I can hear the stepper motor grinding. Where the printer ultimately gets stuck.
Ideas for fixing my homing issues?
homeall.g -
Additional notes:
- My firmware version is 2.05.1.
- The config and homing files were frankensteined together from the old files of two others for their Duets on the UM2.
- Would this issue be gone if the Z axis is last to be homed? How does one go about making Z go last?
@ripeds_o3p Sounds like the X axis endstop isn't setup correctly. Use M119 to make sure the X axis endstop is responding correctly.
@stephen6309 I appreciate the response. I actually made a breakthrough forty minutes ago. A clean homing sequence with no motor grinding. X & Y went first, then Z.
Aloooot of research went into getting that result. I hope any future hurdles are easier to tackle.
I still have more things to test with the printer. But things are looking up now.