Invalid Protocol version 6 v3.3.0 stable firmware
Hi there,
I was trying to update my firmware to the latest revision, and then I did the thing you're not supposed to do - I knocked the printer and it killed power to the system while it was updating... (I was updating via the web interface which was taking forever if that provides any clues)
So now I reset my raspberry pi with duetPI and was working to get it all running, but it appears that there's a communication error between the SPC and the duet3, hence the error code. I ran "apt list duet*" and it appears that the firmware on the PI is all good to go at 3.3.0. It seems like this error code means there's a firmware mismatch between the Pi and the duet board, is this correct?
I'm going to try BOSSA in the mean time to update the duet 3 board manually in the meantime, thanks for any help on this!
@michaelr123 It appears I was able to fix the issue by updating the board through BOSSA, now I just need to get the config all setup again...