CNC Router build with Duet2 WiFi
Hello all,
I'm building a CNC router and I am currently planning to use a duet 2 wifi for the control board but I'm not 100% certain how this will work on the user interface side of things.
First the background, the router is going to be a full 4x8 router with 98" of travel in Y and 50" in X with 15" of Z. I'm using Nema 34 (4.5Nm) closed loop steppers on X and Y, with two motors for Y to drive helical rack and pinions. The Z axis has a Nema 24 (3Nm) closed loop stepper to drive the 16mm ball screw. The closed loop steppers will be 48V DC powered by two 12amp power supplies, with a 24VDC 1.1amp power supply for the duet 2wifi. Additionally there will be a4hp (3kw) VFD controlled spindle) with I plan to control via the duet 2 with a PWM to 0-10V converter board. Limits switches will be proximity sensors connected to mechanical relays to give appropriate gate closure signals that the Duet board will expect.
I chose the duet 2 because it has an easy and cheap method to use external drivers (the external driver pin out board), it has the ability to easily be programmed for the two Y axis motors and to do software squaring of the gantry by splitting those two motors and homing independently, and I am familiar with the gcode everywhere programming from using the duet 2 wifi in my ender 5 pro and a duet 3 in my big printer at work.
This however is the first time making a CNC router which from my experience with other CNC equipment is a much more hands on experience than 3D printing. So my questions really are, how do you interact with the duet 2 to jog and set soft homes (G54) with the duet 2? I've read on here that someone has developed customized interfaces for the DWC that are more CNC specific and there are even plugins for things like a MPG or xbox controller. How does that work on a duet 2? Do I need to mod the duet 2 and connect in an RPI to take advantage of that? I would appreciate some guidance with this.
Thank you in advance.