Own Cable for Duet3 Mini to SBC
Been reading this post. https://forum.duet3d.com/topic/20883/duet3-sbc-wiring-without-the-ribbon-cable?_=1616615418723
So to conclude ..... Please correct me if I am wrong.....
The SBC and Duet board are mirrored in regards functionality on pins 19-25 so linking Pin for Pin will be correct and will work?This solution encompasses two Gnd's on pins 20 and 25 and that will be correct, if I follow DC42's comment correctly in that post?
Lastly, am I missing anything? !
As per the post, the Pi connector takes up valuable pins in regards to the power input pins 4 and 6, which by using 2 of 4x2 DuPont connectors frees up those pins.
So I made the 8 way cable up, using pins 19 - 26 in a one for one configuration.
Did not work.Plugged in the original supplied cable, it worked.
Thought it could be my new cable, used patch cables instead, still not working.Read more, Pin17, patched that in. Now it works!
As per the above post, Duet3's need a 3.3v feed from/to pin 17So recap, pins required are the following
17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 and using two 5x2 DuPont blocks in stead of the 4x2'sI am using using a piece of Cat5e Ethernet cable.
Hope this can help others.