Different Terminal Blocks Possible?
I was going to look into getting a Duet Wifi to replace my ramps board. One thing I have recently become a fan of are screw terminals, the type that are on a meanwell power supply. The specific type that I am talking about has pictures on on Sparkfun: https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/working-with-wire/how-to-crimp-an-electrical-connector
I have had a connector melt on a RAMPS board (I now use an SSR), but more often it is just simply too easy to have the wires fall out.
That is why I would like to get something I can crimp well together and easily secure.
Is it possible to do something like this with the Duet Wifi?
EDIT: They might be called Spade Connectors.
The DuetWifi comes with a connector kit. It has ferrules to put on the wires for the screw terminals.
These sounds much nicer. Are there any pictures of these by chance?