Question M671 coordinates ?
I would like to setup the Manual bed Leveling:
but i dont know how to messure the coordinates for M671 ?My Origin for my Ender 5 is rear fight 0,0 and my bed is 235x235
; bed.g ; called to perform automatic bed compensation via G32 ; ; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool v2 on Tue May 07 2019 23:06:50 GMT+0100 (British Summer Time) M561 ; clear any bed transform G29 ; probe the bed and enable compensation G28 ; home M401 ; deploy Z probe G30 P0 X28.8 Y24 Z-99999 ; hinten rechts G30 P2 X198.8 Y24 Z-99999 ; hinten links G30 P3 X198 Y194 Z-99999 ; vorne links G30 P4 X28.8 Y194 Z-99999 S4 ; vorne rechts and report adjustments needed M402 ; retract probe
my homeall:
; homeall.g ; called to home all axes ; ; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool v3.1.4 on Tue Jul 28 2020 08:52:12 GMT+0200 (Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit) G91 ; relative mode G1 H2 Z4 F200 ; raise head 4mm G1 H1 X-240 Y-240 F3000 ; move up to 240mm in the -X and -Y directions until the homing switches are triggered G1 H2 X4 Y4 F600; move slowly 6mm in +X and +Y directions G1 H1 X-10 Y-10 ; move up to 10mm in the -X and -Y directions until the homing switches are triggered G90 ; back to absolute mode G1 X68.8 Y105.5 F2000 ; put head over the centre of the bed, or wherever you want to probe G30 ; lower head, stop when probe triggered and set Z to trigger height
help me to understand,thanks a lot
Do You have more that 1 stepper for Z axis in Ender5 ?
no only 1 stepper for Z
@lui2004 So no need for M671 as there is no way to level the bed automatically with only 1 stepper motor on Z.
ok !
and how i cann level my bed ?
i have only setup G29
if you want i can post my config
@lui2004 Ender levels the bed using screws below the table. It is manual process.
@BoA i know they are leveling screws to level but how i dont know
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OK, After some reading - there is some support for manual bed leveling. To check the coordinates of bed leveling screws just home the machine, and move the head manually (using paneldue or DWC, not hands
) to get the nozzle over the screw - and current head position is the number You need. But:
For machines without multiple independently-driven Z leadscrews, this command can also be used to define the positions of the bed levelling screws instead. Then bed probing can be used to calculate and display the adjustment required to each screw to level the bed. The thread pitch (P parameter) is used to translate the height adjustment needed to the number of turns of the levelling screws.
This still would require some bed probe installed to measure current bed position.
i use the bltouch
@lui2004 OK Then, so just move the nozzle over the screw and Your current X Y coordinates are the screw coordinates
@lui2004 said in Question M671 coordinates ?:
G30 P0 X28.8 Y24 Z-99999 ; hinten rechts G30 P2 X198.8 Y24 Z-99999 ; hinten links G30 P3 X198 Y194 Z-99999 ; vorne links G30 P4 X28.8 Y194 Z-99999 S4 ; vorne rechts and report adjustments needed
this are my x and y over the screws
G30 P0 X28.8 Y24 Z-99999 ; rear right
G30 P1 X198.8 Y24 Z-99999 ; rearr left
G30 P2 X198 Y194 Z-99999 ; front left
G30 P3 X28.8 Y194 Z-99999 S4 ; front right and report adjustments neededhow i make with this coordinates a M671 ?
sorry for all my stupid questions
@lui2004 I would go with something like:
M671 X28.8:198.8:198:28.8 Y24:24:194:194
M671 X-15.0:100.0:215.0 Y220.0:-20.0:220.0 ; Z leadscrews are at (-15,220), (100,-20) and (215,220)
ok i will test it
thanks for your pacienc
my bed.g in first post is correct ?
@lui2004 I would remove G29 from it, or move it AFTER leveling, or use G29 S2. Also from what I remember, if You have bltouch configured, there is no need to deploy/retract M codes
ok,so i delete deployprobe.g and retractprobe.g from sys
i got this error:
G32 Error: Bed calibration : 4 factor calibration requested but only 1 points provided
G30 P0 X28.8 Y24 Z-99999 ; hinten rechts G30 P1 X198.8 Y24 Z-99999 ; hinten links G30 P2 X198 Y194 Z-99999 ; vorne links G30 P3 X28.8 Y194 Z-99999 S4 ; vorne rechts and report adjustments needed
You missed P1