Duel motor/endstop on the Y - RRF3
Re: Duel motor/endstop on the Y
I am upgrading to RRF3 and now see that I don't have to split my Y axis to do a home with my 2 motor 2 endstop setup.
Can anyone just confirm if this is the correct syntax in RRF3
M584 X0 Y2:1 Z7:5:6 E3 P3
M574 X1 S1 P"!xstop"
M574 Y2 S1 P"!ystop" ;Endstop for the Y2 (plugged into standard Y pins)
M574 Y1 S1 P"!e0stop" ;Endstop for the Y1 (plugged into standard z motor pin and extruder 0 endstop pin)Many Thanks,
@mark that's incorrect. You should have
M574 Y1 S1 P"!ystop+!e0stop"
This will home both motors to both endstops
The order of your endstops in the command needs to be in the same order as your motor mapping on M584
I need each motor to home to its designated endstop, so the first Y motor will stop when it hits its endstop, but the second motor keeps going until it hits it's own endstop.
Hope that makes sense!
@mark you can't have both maximum and minimum endstops defined.
The changes allow both motors to drive one axis and then home against their respective endstops.
What I posted above does this (I use it on my CNC).
See here https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Bed_levelling_using_multiple_independent_Z_motors#Section_In_RepRapFirmware_Num_3 -
Perfect, thanks - will give it a try
I looked through all the documentation but must have missed that nugget of a link you posted