Duet 3, 4 Z stepper motors or of Duet 2 with expansion board?
I am building an Exoslide 3D printer and it has 4 Z motors and it calls a Duet Maestro with expansion board (I can't find them anymore). I assume I need the expansion board for the extra 2 Z motors. If I just buy the Duet 3 does that need to add the expansion go away? I linked the printer if you want to see what I am talking about.
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Assuming you are using 1 extruder, you will need 7 drivers to drive x, y, 4×z and e motors...even if you buy duet 3 you only have 6 drivers onboard...in case you buy duet2 and duetx expansion choose the x5.. the price difference is so low...and maybe in future you want more extruders and you are set with duetx5 instead duetx2
first 4 z steppers is not optimal. 3 is better.
https://drmrehorst.blogspot.com/2017/07/3-point-print-bed-leveling-vs-4-point.htmlthe maestro is discontinued because a new version is coming out soon.
you can still get the extension boards like here https://www.filafarm.de/collections/duet3d/products/duet-2-maestro-dual-stepper-driver-expansion-modulei would recommend to get the duet 3 because its more future proof.
if you go with the duet 3 and 3 z steppers you could go with the toolboard extension
if you want 4 z steppers you would need the 3hc