Running 3.5 inch TFT for paneldue. Possible?
Hi all. I hope you are well.
The reason I am writing is to find out if there is a way to use a TFT3.5 inch, which is the stock size screen for my Two Trees Sapphire Plus. I am wondering if this is possible, and if so, what manufacturer should I use?
if this doesn't answer your question then its not going to be easy to use a non-standard screen
I.e. you'll need to find displays that have the same drivers and resolution as one of those, or adapt the code to use a custom display.
Also you may want to look at this thread for an alternative solution, which still have a learning curve, but I expect it to be simpler than adapting PanelDue.
RepRapFirmware 3.1.1 has support for "raw/Marlin style" touch screeens so you could for example use the BTT 3.5" screen. I dont know whether the TwoTrees screen also works. See
@oliof Thanks for that tip. I will give that a shot. I just want the screen to function. It will never be my main interface
Maybe this can help you out:all my printers are with duet2 wifi, and upon building a printer for a friend with the hardware that he already had included a skr 1.3 and tmc2208 deivers, i came across reprap firmware for lpc boards and so i installed that port of reprap firmware to skr 1.3, and all and all was perfect.. my friend also has a btt tft32 that wanted to have it instaled(after i told him that with reprap firmware you dont need an lcd he still decided to have lcd)
So i installed the lcd to the skr1.3 board and in the config.g file i specified raw mode and i was suprise to see it working...i can do all things from lcd as it was under marlin firmware...nevertheless i have as well an mks 32tft lcd and tryed that lcd and again all working just fine...