Mesh bed leveling Help (new to duet)
Hello just trying to configure mesh bed leveling and had some questions about the order of calibration. To Start i setup my printer to home to max ( i know some people use the zprobe to home to min). now i heat up the bed the run a g30 then follow that with a g29 along with an m500 to save. Now my main question is does the grid load automatically after a power down or do i need to run a g30 and g29 s1 to load the grid Via config files or start gcode. Side note i setup the zprobe xyz offset and assuming thats how the g30 command calculates the datum. Thanks ahead of time i know these questions sound simple but better to ask a question than damage the printer lol
You don’t need to use the M500 the G29 saves the mesh as a default file. You can use G29 S1 to reload that file is you don’t want to run a probe again. Once loaded with the G29 S1 the mesh will be active. You may still want to run the G30 as there may have been an offset applied because of the max home position and the probe trigger.
I have a similar setup where my home is the max value. So I too run a g30 to probe the bed before I use the g29.
Thanks. yea when i load the g29 s1 without a g30 i get an offset warning so ill do the g30 then g29 s1. Did you add the commands to you homing config files or start gcode. Im worried if i add it to cofig file ill crash an aborted print into the gantry lol.
I used to have my home call in my config.g but I was advised to not do that. So I have removed it. I just put the G30 and G29 in my starting script for my slicer. I also usually home at the start of my print files.
I was able to write a macro to actually use the stall detection to automatically calculate the probe trigger height. So I may change how I do a few things now too. But I literally figured that out last night so I haven’t really had a chance to figure out how I’ll implement it.