M561 affect on M671?
Does M561 have any affect on the machine after I have used M671 to calibrate the Z towers?
I just want to make sure that M561 doesn't wipe out any adjustment that M671 applied after probing the 2 points near the z towers.
What I've setup uses M671 after a Home Z, and then performs a Home Z again after it does the 2 point probe test. Under normal operation this should be fine. My question is more along I have setup a new M671 in my bed.g file for the Manual Bed Leveling Assistant along with 3 points near the screws. In this bed.g, is it safe to have a M561 before I issue a new M671 or does that undo whatever correction was made during my Z homing?
Here's what I'm using, and I'm fighting with the front right screw after a G32, so this has me wondering if M561 is erasing the corrections made when I had M671 adjust the independent motors on the Z.
; homez.g ; called to home the Z axis ; M290 R0 S0 ; reset babystepping M561 ; Clear bed compensation ; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool v2.1.8 on Mon May 25 2020 19:49:19 GMT-0400 (EDT) G91 ; relative positioning G1 H2 Z5 F6000 ; lift Z relative to current position G90 ; absolute positioning G1 X125 Y145 F6000 ; go to first probe point G30 ; home Z by probing the bed M98 P"calibrateztowers.g" G1 X125 Y145 F6000 ; go to first probe point G30 ; home Z by probing the bed ; Uncomment the following lines to lift Z after probing G91 ; relative positioning G1 Z5 F100 ; lift Z relative to current position G90 ; absolute positioning
; ; Calibrate Z Towers ; M671 X-4:264 Y0:0 S0.5 ; Define positions of Z leadscrews or bed levelling screws ; G30 P0 X20 Y110 Z-99999 ; Probe near left Z tower, half way along Y axis G30 P1 X240 Y110 Z-99999 S2 ; Probe near right Z tower, half way along Y axis, and calibrate 2 motors ; ; Do it again, just for good measure G30 P0 X20 Y110 Z-99999 ; Probe near left Z tower, half way along Y axis G30 P1 X240 Y110 Z-99999 S2 ; Probe near right Z tower, half way along Y axis, and calibrate 2 motors
; bed.g ; called to perform automatic bed compensation via G32 ; ; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool v2 on Sun Jun 23 2019 15:47:42 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) M290 R0 S0 ; clear any existing baby-stepping M561 ; clear any bed transform ; Manual Bed Leveling Assistant M671 X15:230:125 Y0:0:210 P0.5 ; Adjusting screws at front left (0,0), front right (220,0), rear middle (105,220) thread pitch 0.5mm G30 P0 X15 Y4 Z-99999 ; probe near an adjusting screw G30 P1 X230 Y4 Z-99999 ; probe near an adjusting screw G30 P2 X125 Y169 Z-99999 S3 ; probe near an adjusting screw and report adjustments needed G1 X195 Y105 F9000