Help! Z Probe always reads 1000
So today I changed my probe from an inductive probe to 3D touch (Geeetech BL clone) due to the fact that I can't seem to get a good first layer. My bed is bowed in the middle front to back. I did not trust the inductive as it was installed the same time as the Duet Wifi. The 3d Touch worked flawlessly with the Geeetech stock setup so I swapped it back in, after machining a whole new bracket for the V6 bowden and new probe setup. I followed the steps outlined by W3DRK. I also read the entirety following his post. The probe deploys, retracts, resets, self test, and outputs when triggered. When I changed the values in G31 as a final step I noticed that the web app shows 1000 all the time. Nothing I do or change stops it from reading 1000. I even unplugged it, no change. I must have changed something I just can't seem to find out what it is. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
L parameter fixed it.
I am having the same problem, Could you please tell me how to correct it.
Thank you