Endstop wiring order
Hey Everyone,
I am using the 3 wire end stop switches from my LergeX board, they are labeled C NO NC, but I have no clue how to connect them to the Duet2 to GND, 3V3, STP. I have already tried to connect one, but the board won't start on USB power.
I'll have to re-crimp to the Duet2 connectors since they have different plugs.
Any help appreciated, Thanks.
For Normally Closed, which is what you want, connect the OUTER two wires from the switch. The center wire will not be connected.
On a Duet 2, connect them to the Zstop (or Xstop or whatever) and GND on the 3 pin connector. 3.3V on the Duet board will not be connected.
Thank You.
I'll try that today. -
Worked great, thank you.
@danal thanks this was of great help also for my Duet3. I am a little visual minded so draw this to make it clear for me. Maybe of help to some others too.
@frankv it's recommended to use normally closed switches and not normally open as normally open is susceptible to noise and false triggering. If the wiring fails it will also continue to try to home.
It's best to use the two outer legs and not the NO leg