Constant heat faults with my delta
can I temperately stop this faults
What is the exact heater fault error message?
What does the temp graph look like?you never answered those questions.
@Veti Sorry, temp was rising too slowly.
@Quadcells That looks all the world like a genuine heater fault. If you've changed the heater cartridge then it can only be the wiring - possibly a bad crimp which makes or breaks connection as the head moves around. Unless you have a powerful part cooling fan which is on and blowing over the nozzle.
@deckingman Thanks, I'll take a look at the connections on the effector 6 pin connector.
Thanks again, found a bad crimp, but took such time making good crimps, but I guess removing the plug a few times must of weaked it. So I am in the process of re- crimping all 6 crimps and will report back when working.
Thanks again./quadcells
what tool are you using for the crimping? the tool makes all the difference.
@Veti yes, I know been thru a few PA-20
@Quadcells ....and for info, I use a pair of curved, needle nosed pliers as a crimping tool. Have done ever since I bought my first RepRapPro Mendel printer which came as a kit with made up leads, most of which had bad crimps that I had to repair.
I recently changed from Duet 2 to Duet 3 and had to completely re-wire all 7 axes, 6 extruders (so 13 off 4 wire steppers) plus numerous end stops, heaters, fans, thermistors, lights etc using an assortment of JST and Molex crimps. All done with my trusty curved needle nosed pliers. It's been running for about 5 months, and hundreds of hours and not one single bad connection. -
@deckingman this has been my first bad crimp since using this tool. Built my entire Railcore II 300ZL without any problems. but it only takes one.
Thanks all. -
just completed a 12 hr print no heat faults. Thanks again.