Extruder Max Speed Stuck at 1.33mm/s
It's a Titan Aero extruder, that's the correct ESteps. Measured and it's accurate down to the sixteenth of a mm.
... Odd though, it's set to 837 in RepRap's online tool. I wonder if it multiplied it by 128. x16 microstepping with 837 should work.
So M92 X80.00 Y80.00 Z400.00 E837
on M350 X16 Y16 Z16 E16 I1 ?
Yes that is correct, given you are using the 0.9deg pancake from E3D
Pro Tip:
if you put
, you define the values for x16 andM350
will do the correct math if you change from x16 to a higher stepping mode... -
I'll give that a try tonight and report back when my current print finishes. I think this is likely the issue.
Very odd, I've had a few anomalous values come from the reprap's online tool. It's odd it doesn't do your pro-tip either.
I've had to do a lot of manual doctoring to this file to get it to work. But that's another topic.
the Online Configuration Tool will give a nice base to start and then it is up to you to tweak the printer to your liking
The GCode based config is basically a godsend, you can tweak while you are printing! -
Absolutely is. I've edited the .g files already with your adjustments. But I'm about 6 hours into a twelve hour print so I'm going to let it finish before I e-stop the printer, reboot, and try the new settings on one of my 4 hour files!
Then it's back to printing my 48+ hr prints haha! Hopefully this'll shave a few hours off so it's not waiting for retractions to finish constantly.
You can always pause the printer, send the commands via GCode Console, verify by manual extruding and resume the print !
Or adjust while your are printing (but if you make a mistake, you can ruin your print, so handle with care) -
I've never be able to get a printer to successfully pause and resume a print, so I believe it to be black magic and impossible.
Absolutely fixed it. Thanks!