Can't find StringFunctions.h or BitMap.h
I am new to the forum.
I have cloned CoreNG, FreeRTOS, RepRapFirmware and RRFLibraries. However, when I try to build RepRapFirmware it fails when it cannot find General/StringFunctions.h or General/BitMap.h in RepRapFirmware.h. I've searched all the project folders but cannot find the missing files.
Any help would be appreciated.
@ct They are included in the RRFLibraries project. If you don't have them, you may have downloaded the wrong branch. In the dev branch they are included.
And P.S.: welcome to the forum!!
@ct If you were not aware of the branch, you may not be aware that most projects have dev branches.
In general you create a master RepRapFirmware and need all master branches, or you build v2-dev branch with v2-dev branches of the other projects (but there are projects with master only branches like FreeRTOS, then you take the master branch), or v3-dev for the new RepRapFirmware 3. -
I have them now. Thank you very much for your help and the explaination.