Thanks for the answer.
The problem is solved, I just had a loose pin in the connector.
Thanks for the answer.
The problem is solved, I just had a loose pin in the connector.
Solved I had a loose pin. Now it works-
I have an Paneldue 5i V1 updated to FW 1.24. and a duet2 wifi FW 3.4 the Panel is grey dark with backlight on.
Since the newer FW does not work on V1 is it possible to use a panel V1 with a duet FW 3.4?
The panel is activated with M575 P1 B57600 S1 in the config file.
Thank you for your support I could solve the problem.
I just used the comand M587 as it worked with my old DUET2wifi Firmware 2.. with intial ssid and network key with slash as seperator.
With the new Firmware (updated now no to 3.4.0) I have to use the user assigned network name and key without seperators.
Instead of
M587 S"FRITZ!Box 7530 DL" P"1234/1234/1234/1234"
M587 S"StefanHeim" P"1234123412341234"
Yes the Network is correctly listed and providing 2,4 GHz. It is working with to other Duet2WIFI.
I wonder that blue Led is not comming on when sending m552 s1. On my other Board it comes on blinking even when the network is not available.
Should I try latest firmware?
Try to connect my new Duet 2 WIFI blue Led at WIFI module does not come on. I cross checked SSID and Password with my other Duet Board there it works without problem.
m997 s0
Shutting down USB interface to update main firmware. Try reconnecting after 30 seconds.<LF>WiFi reported error: no known networks found<LF>WiFi module is idle<LF>WiFi reported error: no known networks found<LF>WiFi module is idle<LF>
FIRMWARE_NAME: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet FIRMWARE_VERSION: 3.1.1 ELECTRONICS: Duet WiFi 1.02 or later FIRMWARE_DATE: 2020-05-19b2<LF>ok<LF>WiFi reported error: no known networks found<LF>WiFi module is idle<LF>WiFi reported error: no known networks found<LF>WiFi module is idle<LF>WiFi reported error: no known networks found<LF>WiFi module is idle<LF>WiFi reported error: no known networks found<LF>WiFi module is idle<LF>WiFi reported error: no known networks found<LF>WiFi module is idle<LF>
m997 s1
Trying to connect at 230400 baud: success<LF>Erasing 4096 bytes...<LF>Erasing 212992 bytes...95% complete<LF>Upload successful<LF>ok<LF>WiFi module started<LF>WiFi reported error: no known networks found<LF>WiFi module is idle<LF>
m552 S-1
WiFi module stopped<LF>ok<LF>
m552 s0
ok<LF>WiFi module started<LF>
M587 S"FRITZ!Box 7530 DL" P"////****"
WiFi module is idle<LF>ok<LF>
m552 s1
ok<LF>WiFi reported error: no known networks found<LF>WiFi module is idle<LF>
Anything else I could try.