Log of print work
i have read, how is planned add a log some events…
i think,it would be very useful if you can decide log all events, all g codes, temperatures, position on effector, of the print.
That the DWC of the option to save this log, even if you have installed webcam, record photos every layer or time
Logging of important events is already implemented in firmware 1.20. See https://duet3d.com/wiki/G-code#M929:_Start.2Fstop_event_logging_to_SD_card.
The only issue that keeps me from using the SD logging is its verbosity. It would be nice to have the same/similar granularity for individual modules (as with M111 Pxyz).
I'm mostly interested in logging print duration, filament usage, etc. But HTTP logins etc generate too much log events, especially since I usually poll data for push notifications. This generate quite large files on the SD card after a few hours of printing.
Logging of important events is already implemented in firmware 1.20. See https://duet3d.com/wiki/G-code#M929:_Start.2Fstop_event_logging_to_SD_card.
sorry … I had not seen it