I think I may have found it!
@corlissmedia according to this information, the motors are made by Usongshine.
The connector ports are numbered 1to 6, left to right, A-B-C-D.
The wiring pattern looks convoluted.
@fcwilt does this mean you think these motors won’t be a good fit for the 5+?
@corlissmedia the phase inductance and resistance are a little on the high side which should affect the maximum speed but there's nothing stopping them working with the mini 5+
@jay_s_uk thanks for that.
I am a bit concerned about the extruder motor, which has been protesting quite a lot lately. I realize it could be the nozzle is too close to the bed. I've been playing with that when the prints start, watching the bead flow. Recently, I installed an E3V6, and now I'm seeing lines of dots until there's enough filament in the chamber to back up the flow? So maybe I need a better extruder motor?
Did you prime the hotend before you started printing, with a quick prime line in the start gcode?
@rushmere3d I'm printing on an Xvico Pioneer / Ender 3 clone. There's no way to do that with my that printer.
But I could use Cura, couldn't I?
I've never really used Gcode to do anything until lately. I know I'm going to be learning a great deal about it as I get my new board up and running.
What code are you suggesting?
@Corlissmedia you can add a prime line to the start gcode of any slicer. or use a skirt which serves the same purpose.
@corlissmedia said in I think I may have found it!:
@fcwilt does this mean you think these motors won’t be a good fit for the 5+?
It's hard to say for sure since the steppers you have have no markings.
I took a quick look at the stepper current settings on my printers (for X and Y) and they are all set at 1000ma which means the steppers must have a rating of at least 1250ma since I would never set the current setting at more than 80% of the stepper rating.
I cannot actually look at the steppers themselves because I am not at home but I was able to download my configuration files.
I took a quick look at some of my past orders for steppers and they all had current ratings of 1680ma or 2000ma.
@fcwilt thanks for all your input!